Perennial gardeners confident despite heatwave
International communication at Summer Days 2018 in Poland
More than 60 perennial gardeners from eleven European countries, the USA and Canada travelled to Poland for Summer Days 2018 from 12-15 August. Grass specialists, representatives of arboretums and botanical gardens, young plant producers and also those interested in new products exchanged ideas intensively.
The new product review alone with 121 varieties at Wojsławice Arboretum offered many suggestions. But horticultural gems such as the Grochowscy nursery in Radkow, near the Czech border, with unexpectedly high-quality show gardens, also aroused interest in taking a closer look at Polish horticulture. The young plant producer Vitroflora in Tresacz was a highlight of the trip. Its managing director Tomasz Michalik, who played a key role in planning the current trip, presented the production and elaborate show areas there.
The members of the International Hardy Plant Union board from Germany, Sweden, Poland, Switzerland, the Netherlands and France all reported major challenges in production and marketing due to the Europe-wide heatwave this summer. In Sweden, where irrigation was temporarily banned due to a lack of water, the sales period has been significantly shortened. Nevertheless, the season at least went well for most perennial growers in Europe. With their wide range of products, the perennial gardeners feel well-equipped for future changes in the weather. However, price increases are expected for bulbs, which have not been able to store enough energy due to the lack of water this year.
The minimum wage is having a more problematic effect on the industry, which is also reflected in the higher wage groups. In addition, transport capacities are limited, especially with refrigeration during the hot spells, the board of management stated.
The location of the trip, Breslau, impressed with its historic city centre, the botanical garden and interesting public botanical displays.
The next ISU Summer Days will be held in the Czech Republic from 9-13 August 2020 in cooperation with the Botanical Garden in Prague.
New herbaceous plants can already be registered online for reviewing and possible ISU awards.
In 2022, the year of the next Floriade, Dutch perennial gardeners invite ISU members to get to know Dutch perennial production and gardens.
In the Pyrenees, perennial gardeners will explore the botany on the Spanish side in Aragon during their next excursion on 30 June - 6 July 2019.
The show garden and the production of Katarzyna and Tomasz Grochowscy (2nd from right in the foreground) gave grass specialists suggestions for many technical discussions.
The condition of Wojsławice Arboretum exceeded all expectations. The national collections of Buxus, Rhododendron and Hemerocallis can be seen here, as well as botanical displays.